Saturday, September 29, 2012


I have reached my 20lb weight loss goal! About 83lbs to go until my ultimate goal. This week for the gym has been HORRIBLE! I'm surprised I lost any weight at all. We only got to go once this week and that was Monday. Today is picture day and I have to get those done at some point today so we can all look and see if there are any changes. So stay tuned for those.

Friday, September 21, 2012

New goal.

So I've decided to add the 20lb loss to my goals..I figure why not that is a good milestone to hit so there added! 3lbs until I hit my 20lb loss and until I take my comparison photos! Looks like it will be in two weeks I'm thinking I will be down 21lbs then but ah well.

Monday, September 17, 2012


I forgot to spread the goodnews! I am now 223lbs offically under my normal "fat" weight. We are getting close to my next goal. Getting to my pregnancy weight of 218lbs, just 5lbs to go!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

At my "normal" weight

Well my "normal" fat weight that is. All of my adult life I've been between 225 lbs - 230 lbs. I am at the smaller end of those. 225lbs I am! That is a total 15lb loss! Meaning I have just reached my 15lb loss goal! Many more to go but I am just 7lbs shy of my pregnancy weight. That is pretty exciting. I think once I am at 210lbs I will take another set of progress pictures :)

Friday, September 7, 2012


Well I didnt end up making it to the gym yesterday..or wednesday. So I plan on hitting it hard today, tomorrow and possibly sunday. I'm not wanting those pounds to cone back on. I feel really lazy not going.