Thursday, August 23, 2012


     I've been overweight as long as I can remember. I partially blame it on my parents who introduced me to soda and all these sugary and horribly lovely tasting snack foods. I got myself off of soda when I was older but I remember drinking it a lot as a child. I now drink water and that is my drink of choice.

     So my parents aren't the only people I can blame. The other would be my body, hormones to be a bit more exact. I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and insulin resistance so any sugar ingested deposits as fat which again would contribute to me being overweight. Upon starting my getting fit journey I had an appointment with my OB/GYN and I had a BMI of 39.9 at 240lbs, just one point away from being clinically morbidly obese. Yeah, not liking that term. Fast forward to now...I am 232lbs, 8lbs down and 2lbs to go to reach my 10lb loss goal.

     I have never one to go the fruit and veggie route and I know that isn't a good thing. I just can't stand the taste of them, I was never a great eater..I'm still not but I am eating less and counting calories. I diet really isn't for me. I go to the gym 5 days a week for two hours at a time. I start with cardio for 40 - 45 minutes and switch to the weight machines and end with about 10 minutes of cardio. I ultimately want to get down to 132lbs. The last time I weighed that I think I was still considered overweight because I was a lot shorter, haha but I would like to be at a "normal" weight for once!

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